Tag Archives: honor

Presidents Day with Flowers

Presidents Day began as a day to celebrate the birth of George Washington, 1st President of the United States. Abraham Lincoln was added as a later honoree as his birthday was also in late February, but in recent years the holiday is often seen as a celebration of the office of the President in general and all the men who have held it. But whether you’re celebrating Washington, Lincoln or all the President’s we’ve had, flowers are always your best option! A Presidential Presentation A patriotic bouquet is the perfect item to place on your desk in acknowledgement of the holiday, and it also makes an excellent gift! Planning a party

Salute The Red White & Blue With Flowers!

May 8th, 2013 | By: Juli Jackson May is definitely the month for honoring American military heros. With 2 holidays that focus on those that serve our country, you have twice the opportunity to show your love for the red, white and blue this month